We get lots of requests to forward on condoms from the UK to the USA/Canada. So here's a quick FAQ:
Q. Condoms? Really?
A. Yes. There are certain condoms that are only sold in the UK & Europe. For example, www.theyfit.com
Q. What does that have to do with AFBF & forwarding?
A. These condoms are not shipped to the USA/Canada directly. So US/Canadian citizens wanting to purchase them can either get on a plane and fly to Europe to purchase them (seriously, that is actually allowed by the rules) or give us $8 to send them on using the regular mail. Since the shipping from the original website is free, you are in effect just paying $8 for shipping to the USA/Canada.
Q. Is it obvious that condoms are in my parcel? That sounds embarrassing.
A. No - quite the opposite. The condom companies send everything in really discreet packaging and some of them even offer a "privacy guarantee". The way they explain it, receiving them in the mail is a heck of a lot less embarrassing than buying them in a store too!
Q. So how does it work if I want to buy custom fit condoms but I'm in the USA/Canada?
A. Exactly the same as all the other things that we forward:
1. Submit your forwarding request and we'll reply with exact instructions for you to follow, including our P.O Box address
2. Place your order at the condom website but use our address for the shipping address rather than your own
3. We receive your order a few days later, put a shipping label with your actual shipping address onto the parcel, and send it on
4. You'll receive the parcel about 10 days later
Q. So why don't these companies just send my order directly to me in the USA/Canada?
A. You'll have to ask them. There are some rules about condoms that are related to which country you are in. Which is odd, because the rules that allow them to be sold in Europe, mean that 500,000,000 people can buy them. So why those rules don't then apply for the US/Canada is a bit of a mystery to us. But we all know how "officials" like their rules, huh?
Q. But they tell me not to use a mail forwarding company like you
A. Well they would say that wouldn't they :-) . But on a serious point, lots of EU citizens use us too - for example if they can't receive a package at their home address, or if they don't have a home address e.g. people in the army, people who travel a lot, people on vacation etc.
Q. What if something goes missing? Am I just out of pocket then?
It's REALLY rare that something goes missing. We can count the number of times it's happened, over the course of several years, on two hands despite sending many thousands of packages. In fact it's so rare that each time it has happened we wonder if the person was telling the truth.... but should it happen, get in touch with the original company who shipped the order. They'll usually send it to us again free of charge and we will send it on again too.
Q. Condoms? Really?
A. Yes. There are certain condoms that are only sold in the UK & Europe. For example, www.theyfit.com
Q. What does that have to do with AFBF & forwarding?
A. These condoms are not shipped to the USA/Canada directly. So US/Canadian citizens wanting to purchase them can either get on a plane and fly to Europe to purchase them (seriously, that is actually allowed by the rules) or give us $8 to send them on using the regular mail. Since the shipping from the original website is free, you are in effect just paying $8 for shipping to the USA/Canada.
Q. Is it obvious that condoms are in my parcel? That sounds embarrassing.
A. No - quite the opposite. The condom companies send everything in really discreet packaging and some of them even offer a "privacy guarantee". The way they explain it, receiving them in the mail is a heck of a lot less embarrassing than buying them in a store too!
Q. So how does it work if I want to buy custom fit condoms but I'm in the USA/Canada?
A. Exactly the same as all the other things that we forward:
1. Submit your forwarding request and we'll reply with exact instructions for you to follow, including our P.O Box address
2. Place your order at the condom website but use our address for the shipping address rather than your own
3. We receive your order a few days later, put a shipping label with your actual shipping address onto the parcel, and send it on
4. You'll receive the parcel about 10 days later
Q. So why don't these companies just send my order directly to me in the USA/Canada?
A. You'll have to ask them. There are some rules about condoms that are related to which country you are in. Which is odd, because the rules that allow them to be sold in Europe, mean that 500,000,000 people can buy them. So why those rules don't then apply for the US/Canada is a bit of a mystery to us. But we all know how "officials" like their rules, huh?
Q. But they tell me not to use a mail forwarding company like you
A. Well they would say that wouldn't they :-) . But on a serious point, lots of EU citizens use us too - for example if they can't receive a package at their home address, or if they don't have a home address e.g. people in the army, people who travel a lot, people on vacation etc.
Q. What if something goes missing? Am I just out of pocket then?
It's REALLY rare that something goes missing. We can count the number of times it's happened, over the course of several years, on two hands despite sending many thousands of packages. In fact it's so rare that each time it has happened we wonder if the person was telling the truth.... but should it happen, get in touch with the original company who shipped the order. They'll usually send it to us again free of charge and we will send it on again too.